Tag Archives: Palestine

Israel and Iran Who Is More Dangerous to World Peace?

Netanyahu & Obama

Israel, the land of justice?, a land created to stop the atrocities suffered by the jewish people over centuries, a land we are told is a democracy, a land we are told by the mainstream is a paradise of morality, justice, equality and freedom! Yes that is correct to the cave dwelling neo-cons and ignoramus mainstream pro-Israeli academics in the US and Israel. we are told constantly by the propaganda machine that is western mainstream news outlets that Israel is the victim of Arab terrorism and what is poor Israel to do but defend itself?, I am so fed up with hearing this especially at this time since Israel is now planing an imminent attack on Iran, we are falsely told that Iran is the aggressor and Israel merely the nice kid protecting himself from the big bad iranian school bully, let’s be honest the aggressor in this case is Israel it is not Iran, I ask you name one incident where Iranian ministers have said they will attack Israel? name one Iranian minister who met with Obama to plan and discuss a potential attack on Israel? name one Iranian minister that sanctioned Iranian spies to go into Israel to assassinate its scientist through terrorist means like the use of a car bomb or unmanned drones ? the fact is you wont find anything of the sort and yes Israel is guilty of all these actions of which Iran is innocent off.

For the Past 2 or 3 or more years the chief war monger in the world Benjamin Netanyahu has strolled his way around the corrupt halls of Washington sneakily and inhumanely gathering the support from the washington lot for his craving for war, after years, decades actually, of supporting the brutal treatment of the occupied Palestinian people, Netanyahu wants MORE, oh yes he wants a lot more, so much more that now he wants to bomb the “sand” out of Iran. Netanyahu does not care for the consequences of such an action and the massive loss of INNOCENT life that could happen if such an idea where to become reality, all he cares about is power, power over Israel, power of the arab world and influence in the wider world, Netanyahu is not a stupid man he has an IQ of 157+ allegedly, any man with an IQ level that high must understand what a war with Iran could spring up, we are not five-year old children playing with toy soldiers, we are not ancient kings playing war on a chess board we are talking about real War, where thousands if not hundreds of thousands of men women and children all of whom are innocent will die, am I the only person in this god forsaken world who boils with anger at the thought of these sleazy, inhuman, rich, out of touch politicians playing war with my life ?? Enough is enough Israel must be put in its place and told to get of the road to lunacy it is on.

I’m going to soften on the personal outrage as it might take away credibility of my argument but please understand why i get so personal, it is WAR after all.

I want to look at the myths and fear mongering the politicians and the media have spouted about Iran in the last 3 years or so to amp up support for war on Iran. then I will go onto “If Iran is not a threat why does the US and Israel want war with Iran?”

Firstly to the myths and the hypocrisy that surround the myths.The main myth and basically the only reason we are giving for a potential war with Iran is the myth than Iran either has or is in the process of developing a nuclear “weapons”,  so let us look at the use of such a myth by Washington and Tel-Aviv and whether the myth is true or not.

In 2009 on the day he was sworn in as prime minister of Israel, Benjamin told Jeffery Goldberg of The Atlantic newspaper that “The Obama presidency has two great missions: fixing the economy, and preventing Iran from gaining nuclear weapons,” after stating it would be a “failure of western civilization to allow Iran to develop Nuclear weapons” he continued with his old right-wing fear mongering propaganda by saying “You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs. When the wide-eyed believer gets hold of the reins of power and the weapons of mass death, then the entire world should start worrying, and that is what is happening in Iran.”, so here we come across our first use of the myth by Netanyahu whilst PM, since then this myth has being so forcefully rammed down our throats by the private mainstream news that it is widely but ignorantly believed to be fact, but ask yourself  is Iran developing nuclear weapons? the plain and simple fact is no , ok so you don’t believe me ? How about the US intelligence sector which includes the CIA and all other intelligence branches who said  in a report issued by the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) in November 2007 that Iran has not got an active Nuclear weapons programme, and they reaffirmed this position in the NIE 2010. you might now be saying hold on recent reports this week from Israeli media are saying the NIE has told Obama that Iran has made “substantial progress towards developing nuclear weapons”, but ask yourself who is saying this? it is from Israeli media, so what does Washington and the Whitehouse national security council say? they came out a day after Israeli media made such claims and said, according to the national security council spokesperson “We believe that there is time and space to continue to pursue a diplomatic path, backed by growing international pressure on the Iranian government the spokesman said, he added “We continue to assess that Iran is not on the verge of achieving a nuclear weapon.”  also according to James Clapper the US director of national intelligence in his January congressional testimony  “We assess Iran is keeping open the option to develop nuclear weapons, in part by developing various nuclear capabilities that better position it to produce such weapons, should it choose to do so. We do not know, however, if Iran will eventually decide to build nuclear weapons.” the director of national intelligence saying himself there is no weapons and no plan as of yet to develop any nuclear weapon programme, (I will get onto the nuclear activities of Iran of which James Clapper mentions later in the article)

Do you want more findings, how about the IAEA report of 2012 which said that prior to 2003 Iran had some activities “which were relevant” to developing a nuclear device, and that it is involved in activities that contradicts its obligations BUT the IAEA said it found no hard evidence of activity towards the actual development of a Nuclear device

There is much more evidence to back the fact Iran has no programme to develop nuclear devices, all intelligence agencies from the CIA to Mossad who both were reported by US Intelligence officials in march of this year as agreeing that Iran has no programme to develop a nuclear device.

The hypocrisy of Israel claiming it must stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons is the fact Israel has hundreds of illegally held nuclear weapons, they are illegal because Israel refuses to sing up-to the nuclear non-proliferation act

This evidence by all intelligence agencies should simply show that the myth we are told for war with Iran is simply that a “myth” and we should not be going to war on a “myth” look where Iraq got us.

So what has Iran got in nuclear terms if not weapons? Iran has the capabilities and is developing nuclear “energy”, not “weapons but energy, I am not going to get into much on the energy front because I feel it is irrelevant to this situation since first they are permitted to by the UN under certain circumstances, one being to make no moves towards activities of developing nuclear weapons, and secondly  it is because we are told the basis of war is to stop Iran developing Nuclear “weapons” not energy.

If Iran does not have a nuclear weapons programme then why does Netanyahu want war with them? Simple, as all western supported overthrows in the middle east, it is for a few things actually, First it is for Israel to show the Arabs who is boss, after all Israel cannot have a country like Iran becoming too influential especially with the wars raging in Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest of the secret wars in the arab world, why does it fear Iranian influence and power in the region? simple a stronger Iran with wider influence in the Middle East threatens American and Israeli dominance over the region and its resources, and at a time when the people of various Arab nations are freeing themselves after decades of dictatorship this fear of Iranian influence over these newly formed ruling classes such as Egypt and Libya, becomes even more worrying to US and its client state Israel. Another reason Israel is pushing for war with Iran is the Palestinian question, Israel fears Iranian influence and support given to the Palestinian resistance in the occupied territories, Israel under Netanyahu has no intention of agreeing to a two-state solution and fears Israel being forced into accepting the resolution under pressure from a rising Iranian influence.

There is no big mystery or altruist argument for the potential war with Iran it is simply just Israel with the support of the US upholding its brutal dominance over the middle east and the riches that come from the control over the regions resources.

I will finish by saying that Israel much be put in its place by the US and International community and warned off attacking Iran and starting a potentially lethal war that could take the lives of un-imaginable numbers of people all innocent me women and children who are so young they haven’t even realized they are Iranian or Israeli yet if a war begins they could die because of that simple fact, The US and Israel have already destroyed the lives of countless Arab people which has resulted in blow-back like 9/11 Al-Qaeda and the rise of extreme Islam in the Arab world, pursuing another mindless war will only push the world into continued instability and extremism of which Israel and the US claim they are fighting but who create the extremism through their policies.

Iran is not the aggressor Israel and the US are the aggressors and the evidence shows that to be factual and not just and figment of my imagination.

Author-Darren M

Obama Supports Gay Marriage! He Also Supports Palestinian Statehood

The gay community in America and around the world in general are in a fit of excitement with the announcement Wednesday afternoon by President Obama that he supports the legalization of same-sex marriage.
Gay organizations and supporters are making such a fuss about this announcement, it’s as if they think this means same-sex marriage will be realistic soon in America, well let me wake my fellow gays up by saying president Obama also supports UN resolution 242 which calls for the end to the Israel/Palestine conflict and the creation of a Palestinian state. To those who might not understand what I mean by such a comparison, let me elaborate ! What I am saying is just because Obama says he supports something does not mean it’s going to happen for instance he says he supports resolution 242 but in reality he has his UN ambassador veto the resolution the past 3 years proving that he says one thing while in reality doing another in order to keep the votes and political donations from influential donors whether they be influential members of the Jewish community when Its Israel in discussion or whether it’s influential donors of a conservative background when issues like gay marriage or abortion are the subject.

It is unwise for lgbt organizations to jump to the conclusion that same-sex marriage will be evident soon just because Obama supports it in words, after all we must remember there is a huge Christian conservative vote in the US and right now there is an even bigger anti-Obamaconservative vote, and these anti-Obama proponents of influence, like Sean hannity of fox news will do whatever is in their power to oppose gay marriage on two reasons, firstly because they see gay marriage as a step in the “destruction of marriage and an unnatural evil” they also will oppose it simply so they don’t have suppport “the socialist marxist” Obama !
Yes you might be thinking “do Americans oppose certain policy because it’s supported by certain politicians?” well yes American conservatives particularly those in high places of power will oppose legislation supported by Obama on the grounds he’s a democrat and black, it’s not a theory it’s fact just watch American tv or read American newspapers

Also another rarely spoken fact is the fact of “liberal Europe“, you see Europe sees itself as the mature more tolerant older brother of the US, and there is noway in hell European leaders are going to let the US legalize gay marriage before them, because there is noway Europe and it’s leaders can be seen to be less intolerant than the religiously conservative America, especially when Europeans like to boast of their higher level of tolerance and liberalism than that of Americans! so If same-sex marriage is to be legalized in the USA then you should be waiting for Europe to do it first, and when Europe legalizes it then lgbt organizations should be getting excited, because it will show two things, first that Europe as a whole has moved on a lot since the decriminalization of homosexuality 20 years ago and secondly it will give a sign that the American administration is making moves in the same direction because there is a simple egotistical fact of modern western politics and that is their obsession with be seen as most liberal and democratic, Europe can’t be seen as less democratic and liberal than American and visa versa, so when one of them makes a move you can quickly expect the other to follow.
So I say again do not get over excited just because president Obama says he supports same-sex marriage, as I said at start and in title, he also says he supports resolution 242 but in reality vetoes it’s implementation which has resulted in the Palestinians living in squalid conditions of oppression, occupation, poverty etc. For 4decades.
I write this article in response to the media and social fuss made about Obamas announcement and also because of personally hearing friends get their hopes up when I know better and know there is no meaning behind Obamas words, after all in 2004 he supported same-sex marriage, in 2006 he was undecided, in 2007 and 2008 he was opposed to it and now in 2012 he supports it, all of which he publicly stated during televised interviews and speeches.

So I finish by once again saying relax chill out and don’t be getting excited because the president says something wait till he acts on what he says then get excited, did African Americans get excited when some politician voiced support for them long before the civil rights? No because they where wiser than to believe the false hope giving by a politicians words when their surrounded by a bigger group of voices opposing their rights
After all a politician gets elected and makes a career out of giving words of false hope to citizens who know no better !

Thanks for reading

author Darren M

Americas Imperial Strategy During The Arab Spring

Obama and former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak during happier times

The hypocrisy and lack of double standards in American foreign policy never seems to amaze me, and it has done so once again recently in its policies towards the “Arab spring” and in regards to UN resolutions on the political turmoil in Syria and it’s criticism of China and Russia for vetoing these resolutions.
The US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice said she was “disgusted” by the action of China and Russia, but only a few months beforehand Susan Rice sat silently by and refused to applaud and vetoed Mahmoud Abass’s attempt to have a Palestinian state recognized in the UN!
This is what I find extremely hypocritical about Americas “disgust” at Russia and China’s action, it is the fact that America has Always being and still is the number one main user of vetoes in the UN, not to mention the shameful fact that for over 35 years they have vetoed UN resolution 242 which calls for and end to violence between Israel and Palestinians and the creation of a Palestinian state along the borders that existed before the 6 day war in 1967 between Israel and various Arab armies and the division of Jerusalem with east Jerusalem becoming a Palestinian capital, this resolution that America continues to veto year after year has resulted in the prolonging of the Palestinian struggle and has single handily helped to give a small nation like Israel the power to ignore international law and continue their upholding of such high crimes like that of the Gaza blockade or the military use of white phosphorus on civilians which is considered a war crime by international law, the main shame of allowing the client state of Israel be so ruthless is it has stopped any chance of peace in the region or for the creation of a Palestinian state.
This is the reality of American foreign policy and its lack of double standards , If you’re a client state like Israel, that safeguards American Interests in an unsafe region then you are giving a free pass to use methods such as to bomb, shoot, torture, occupy, illegally imprison and other inhuman tactics against either your own population or in the case of Israel, the people you illegally occupy.

On the other hand if you are like Syria who is not a client state of the US and if you pose a threat to American interests then you are not giving a free pass you become what is known as a “rogue state” a state that doesn’t hold American interests and principles at heart, and that must be either gotten rid off by using tactics such as military action internally(civil-war) by supporting opposition groups with money, training and weaponry like we seen In Libya with Gaddafi or Tunisia with Ben Ali [both of whom where politically, financially and militarily supported by Washington] Gaddafi was reluctantly supported this is why the US helped to get rid of him so fast , in order to install a more pro-American government in oil rich Libya.
Another well used tactic of the US imperial strategy around the world is to pacify the population at home by massive wave of pro-war propaganda and beginning an interventionist military war like what happened In Iraq and Afghanistan, That is of course only if your a tyrant despised by Washington, like that of Saddam Hussein whom from 1991 became an unwanted friend by the Washington elite,
Lets say your not tyrant hated by washing ton and you are a one who is pro-American like Hosni Mubarak in Egypt who for decades has being supported politically, financially and militarily by the United states, and who used American weapons against his own population when they rose up against him.
If you are In the case of Mubarak a”client tyrant” gone political burden, what America does is to begin the washington PR scheme on the public so it looks like its supporting the Egyptian people whilst also talking to Mubarak in Egypt.
It will also talk to both partys to negotiate a peaceful transition from dictatorship to “democracy”, The reason behind doing this is because it knows it cannot stop the Egyptian revolution and that eventually Mubarak will be overthrown, but it does not want to be tough on Mubarak because it fears if it acts tough on him then embarrassing could come out about it’s involvement in Egyptian politics and it’s support for dictatorships in the middle east.
Not only did it fear embarrassment it also feared who would come to power in Egypt, the reason Washington supported the status-quo in Egypt at the time was because it well knew and was quite happy about the fact they currently had a pro-American leader in the form of Mubarak, and that If he was overthrown a new leadership might appear that wasn’t quite as friendly towards American interests! We now see this fear has become fact with the election of various Arab nationalist partys in Egypt like the Muslim Brotherhood and so on, which has struck fear into the washington elite with the idea of this Arab party wanting to give power to the Arab people in a powerful Arab nation, in an oil rich country, America will not accept such independence from Arabs and already you can see the American medias propaganda machine spewing out anti-Egyptian information along with the anti-Muslim brotherhood information it has being broadcasting since the 1970s.

The Washington elite have no concern for the populations of any nations especially not Arabs and not even their own, their only concern is representing big American multi-national companies control over, and access to, the worlds main resources of oil, gas and so on, because the revenues  of these resources will then go back into the American treasury and increase the wealth, control and influence of America in the world, something Washington currently sees as its top priority because it fears and rightly the rising threat to their global dominance by the likes of China, Russia and India.

That is the hypocrisy and double standards of US foreign policy the fact it practices what it denounces and condemns when it chooses.

I apologize for the late publication of this article, I understand the topic is a month or two old but better later than never ! Thanks for reading

Author-Darren M

A Short Interview With Pr.Norman Finkelstein


Pr.Finkelstein is a political scientist, author and human rights activist from New  York City. The son of Maryla Huyst Finkelstein and Zacharias Finkelstein both survivors of the holocaust who spent the war in the Warsaw Ghetto, Majdanek and Auschwitz.

Although Jewish Pr.Finkelstein has spent all of his adult life championing the Palestinian Cause and is considered one of the leading experts on the Palestine/Israel conflict .  A downfall of his anti-establishment views and his support for Palestine has resulted in him loosing his job at DePaul University, a result of pressure from members of the Israeli Lobby.

Recently a film was made about his life called “American Radical-The trials of Norman Finkelstein” detailing in mass travels around the world lecturing on the conflict and also detailing aspects of his personal life.

I hope you enjoy this short interview.

 YoungPhilosopher89- PLO leaders have recently gone to the UN to seek recognition of statehood along the 1967 borders, In your opinion what chance have they got of achieving this goal considering America and Israel position of rejection-ism ?

Pr.Finkelstein-It’s unlikely they can achieve anything substantial without mobilizing the Palestinian people and their supporters abroad.  Unfortunately, the PLO is incapable of doing this, in no small part because it knows that, if mobilized, the Palestinian people will get rid of them, just as elsewhere in the Arab world since the Arab spring.

YoungPhilosopher89- A few months back their was an announcement that the PLO and Hamas where going to start working closely together for the greater good of Palestinian freedom, do you think this mutual harmony can last or is there too much division in Palestinian politics currently that it is inevitably going to divide the cause again?

Pr.Finkelstein-I do not know much about internal Palestinian politics, so I cannot give an authoritative answer.  But so long as the PA collaborates with Israel and the US, it’s hard to imagine how they can reach any agreement with Hamas.

YoungPhilosopher89-We have recently seen Netanyahu announce the building of thousands of new settlements in the occupied territory which goes against UN law, Do you think a Palestinain state can include the settlements or will Israel do everything in its power to build more and inevitably annex them into a future Israel?

Pr.Finkelstein-It’s still possible to create a real Palestinian state.  The problem is political, not physical.  The Palestinians proposed a map in 2008 which would enable Israel to keep 63% of the settlers (310,000) on 1.9% of the West Bank, that could be exchanged in a land swap for 1.9% of Israeli land of comparable quality.  It was a reasonable proposal.

YoungPhilosopher89-With the current positive coverage of the “Arab Spring” do you think their is now a big shift in western societies mentality towards the Palestinian cause and if so will it play much of a role in influencing the international community’s pressure on Israel to restart a Peace Process ?

Pr.Finkelstein-Western public opinion was turning against Israel before the Arab Spring.   It’s been a slow, incremental process of enlightenment.  Right now, Israel’s standing is very low in the world, falling into the same category as Iran, North Korea and Pakistan.

I apologise for it being so short , Pr.Finkelstein is an extremely busy man and was unable to answer more questions due to lack of time.

Suicide Bombing ! A Tool Of The Poor And Desperate !

Afghan Children In Kabul

Suicide bombing ! Is it as we are told a weapon of the religious fundamentalists who have sick minds and want to destroy the west? or is it a weapon of the extremely poor who have being reduced to acts of desperation in order to try break free of decades and is some cases century’s old internal and external oppression ? In the west it is the norm to associate suicide bombing as a weapon of the sick minded even when the poverty and oppression is obvious in the situation. We never for one second have the mainstream media investigate the possible links between suicide tactics and oppression and poverty! WHY ? is it because the mainstream media which is 90% privately owned wants the public to believe that the war in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine is necessary because these “terrorists” are so evil that they use suicide bombing to murder people, just so they can keep the interests of the western multi-national company’s who have economic interests in the middle east ?

Lets imagine America is an extremely poor and oppressed country with huge amounts of oil and poppy but the wealth of that huge amount of oil and poppy resources are going into the pockets of billionaire Afghans and Iraqis and the governments of various middle eastern country’s. So Americans being patriotic people rise up against this plundering of their resources by the Afghanis and Iraqis but Iraq and Afghanistan being the most powerful nations on earth decide to invade and destroy the infrastructure of America in order to keep their interests safe.

Would the American people who have gone generations under extreme poverty and oppression start using suicide tactics as a last resort to remove the torn of oppression or would they do the opposite and give up on the fight against oppression ? I am pretty sure Americans and all peoples would do the same thing.

These people have nothing else to fight with that is why they use the unfortunate and arguably wrong tactic of suicide bombing. In my judgement it is not a tool of the crazy and hateful it is a tool of the extremely poor and oppressed who have being forced to take desperate acts so there people can be free ! Give them an extremely rich economy and infrastructure and modern powerful armed force and I am sure they would fight the same way as the American armed forces. But most likely if they were rich nations with modern infrastructure and equal say in world affairs then the Wars wouldn’t be happening.